2019: Book “Why Do We Need Taxes? The State as a Common Business”
This book is a guide to the history of general well-being from primitive societies to modern tax systems, created jointly by Ukrainian, Belarusian, German and Czech experts. Tax policy is an indispensable part of our life, even if we do not think about it. Apartment, car, daily purchases and salary – all this is connected with taxation. But why and to whom do we “give away” part of our money daily? What does this give us now and what could ideally give? “WHY DO WE NEED TAXES?” will become a comprehensive reference for students and young professionals, and will also help a wide audience to deepen their awareness of the history and prerequisites for the development of modern finance, economics and jurisprudence. Reading the book, you will get a unique opportunity to travel to primitive hunting camps, Trypillian cities, Mesopotamian canals, Byzantine fortresses, medieval French castles, English ports, Mongolian post stations, Ukrainian Cossack steppe, Petrine Russia and Habsburg Austria.
2018: Abstracts and Conference Proceedings.
The proceedings published in the collection of the second joint scientific conference of participants of the International Center for Civic Political Science, representatives of the Lviv Youth Historical Center and authors of “The Annals of Legal History” represent the recipes of understanding and interpretation of state formation in a wide geographical context. The focus of young historian authors is Europe – a cultural, civilizational, geopolitical, and political-legal space. Particular attention is paid to the delineation of historical eras and cultural sections, the legal aspects of the emergence and institutionalization of states in the Western world.
2017: Abstracts and Conference Proceedings.
The conference “The Scientific Foundations of the Objectivity and Subjectivity of Civil Society” is the first public event of the International Center for Civil Political Science at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The proposed collection of abstracts and materials of the reports reflects the initial scientific positions of the ICCPS participants, opens a discussion about the use of the concept of “Civil Political Science”, acquaints the reader with the latest interdisciplinary research in the field of theory and history of civil society.