The Annals of Legal History welcomes original manuscripts on any topic in legal history. Submissions must not have been published in some form before, nor can they be under consideration by another journal.
All manuscripts must be no longer than 25,000 words, including notes, tables, and figures.
We also publish shorter Review Essays of up to 5,000 words (including notes) that study the state of a specific field or a scholarly dialogue revolving around a major monograph or proceeding.
We occasionally publish forums and special issues. Please contact the Editor-in-Chief for more information. E-mail:
Manuscript Preparations
In addition to your manuscript, submit
a separate document with an abstract of no more than 200 words. The abstract should explain the manuscript’s main argument and scholarly contribution. To ensure the double-blind peer review system can work, please avoid authorial identification in the abstract.
A third document that notes the title, author’s name and mailing address and street address, if differ-ent, for express delivery services); phone, fax, and e-mail details; and the text of any note identifying the author (affiliation and acknowledgments) to be included. Do not “dagger note,” or number or asterisk the author note.
Here are guidelines for the article manuscript:
- Include a title at the top of the first page of the manuscript;
- To ensure the double-blind peer review system can work, please avoid authorial identification throughout the manuscript;
- Single-space all text, including notes;
- 1-inch margins;
- 13 point font for all text, including notes;
- Do not right-justify or indent endnotes;
- Do not justify the right margin;
- Turn off hyphenation to eliminate end-of-line hyphens (except for words that contain hyphens);
- Use hard returns to signal the end of a paragraph and the end of a heading and to format tables. In all other instances, use the wraparound feature to allow lines to run on;
- Use a single tab to indent paragraphs and notes;
- Do not use letters for numbers or numbers for letters (e.g., zero for the letter oh”; the letter ell” for one);
- Underline any words, and the punctuation that follows, that are to be set in italic type;
- Please do not use any feature of your software that allows you to print in italic or bold type;
- Consecutively paginate the entire manuscript;
- Do not use parenthetical citations;
- Create a separate file for images and/or tables (see below);
- Note on subheadings: ALH allows only two levels of subheads, except in those rare instances where a third level is essential to the clear presentation of technical argument. Do not use “Introduction” or “Part I” as a subhead. “Conclusion” may be used as a subhead.
Manuscript Submission and Procedures
All manuscripts must be submitted only through the E-Mail:
Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief. If deemed potentially suitable for ALH, the Editor-in-Chief—sometimes in conjunction with the Associate Editors and/or members of the Board of Editors—assigns the manuscript to reviewers. ALH uses a double-blind peer review system in which authors will not know the names of reviewers, and in which reviewers will not know the names of authors. The peer review process usually takes up to three months. Peer reviews are advisory and the Editor-in-Chief is the final arbiter of every article manuscript.
Once the peer review process is complete, the Editor-in-Chief informs the author about the decision.
The Editor-in-Chief may:
- Accept the manuscript;
- Reject the manuscript;
- Reject the manuscript with the option to revise and resubmit;
- Conditionally accept the manuscript, subject to light revisions and the production of a production copy in conformity with all ALH editorial guidelines; and the author’s completion of the copyright transfer form;
- Final accept the manuscript, which sends the piece into production.
Manuscripts are copyedited by the Editor-in-Chief before they enter production. These edits typically emphasize bringing manuscripts into conformity with ALH house style. Due to the volume of manuscripts that we receive, we are not able to spend a great deal of time correcting prose in the body of each manuscript. Authors are urged to closely copyedit their prose at each stage of the review process. This will also ensure that authors need not make major changes in page proofs, which they review before final publication.
The Annals of Legal History follows the Chicago Manual of Style in what is colloquially understood to be “modified Chicago style.” Some frequent style queries are addressed below:
- Do not italicize common foreign words and abbreviations (such as ibid., et al., laissez-faire, vis-a-vis);
- Spell out contractions (do not, cannot) and numbers under 100
Use “see below” or “see above” (not “infra” or “supra”); - Shorten subsequent footnote citations to case title and page reference (or title, reporter, and page reference if more than one reporter appeared in the first cite);
- Diacritical marks that do not appear on the author’s manuscript must be indicated in bold capital letters within brackets;
- Do not set off as an extract any quotation shorter than seven lines;
- “Conclusion” may be used as a subhead.
Books should be cited as follows:
Eugene D. Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made (New York: Vintage Books, 1976).
Articles should be cited as follows:
Kenneth F. Ledford, “German Lawyers and the State in the Weimar Republic,” Law and History Review 13 (1995): 317-49.
For sources with up five authors, list all authors. For sources with more than five authors, list the first three authors followed by “et al.” Use inclusive page numbers if referring to the entire article. If the reference is to a particular section, use only that page number(s). If the pagination of a periodical is continuous throughout the year, it is not necessary to give the number or the season, only the volume and year. Use the following form for inclusive numbering: 23-25, 100-104, 107-8, 321-25, 1002-6.
Chapter in an edited book:
Thomas Klug, “Employers’ Strategies in the Detroit Labor Market, 1900-1929,” in On the Line. Essays in the History of Auto Work, ed. Nelson Lichtenstein and Stephen Meyer (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1989), 41-72.
Citation of pages is the same as articles.
Shortened citations
After the first citation, a shorter form is used in subsequent notes:
Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll, 25.
Ledford, “German Lawyers and the State,” 320.
King, “Employers’ Strategies,” 46.
For sources such as archival material, an acronym may be used after the first citation:
Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain (hereafter AGI).
Citation of online sources
Because the ALH is published in an on-line edition as well as in print, any citations to sources that are intemet-available can be included in URL format as well as in standard citation format. The on-line edition displays URLs as live links, which permits online readers one-click transfer to the source itself. Citations of this nature must provide the full site address and the specific source location within the site, as well as the date accessed. Where the site itself includes “how to cite” instructions, follow those instructions, with particular reference to Chicago Manual of Style settings.
Images, Tables and Figures
Images/Tables/Figures should be prepared and supplied as a separate Microsoft Word file. All images/tables/figures in a manuscript can appear sequentially in one electronic “Images,” “tables” or “figures” file. The table should be formatted so that it appears as the author expects it to look in print: columns should be aligned correctly, the heads and subheads clearly set over the appropriate columns.
Charges apply for all color figures that appear in the print version of the journal. At the time of submission, contributors should clearly state whether their figures should appear in color in the online version only, or whether they should appear in color online and in the print version. There is no charge for including color figures in the online version of the journal but it must be clear that color is needed to enhance the meaning of the figure, rather than simply being for aesthetic purposes. If you request color figures in the printed version, you will be contacted by CCC-Rightslink who are acting on our behalf to collect Author Charges. Please follow their instructions in order to avoid any delay in the publication of your article.
Authors should insert instructions in the body of their manuscripts indicating where each table should appear. Please insert instructions in the form of “call outs” consisting of bold angle brackets enclosing the appropriate notation, i.e., “[Insert Table I here]”. Citations/notes within a table or figure should not be included in the general note-numbering sequence. Tables/figures have their own notes. Citations/notes particular to a table or figure appear immediately below the table/figure and are designated by letters not numbers (see Chicago Manual of Style 13.43).